The DHI technique Hair Transplantation, is considered one of the best in terms of hair transplantation, shorter recovery times and the ability to transplant more than one hair at a time. Thanks to this method, which aims to strengthen and cover the bald areas without damaging the healthy roots of the hair and skin, a more regular and natural-looking hair transplant is achieved. Before the procedure, hair follicles are examined in detail using high-resolution imaging devices. The person's hair type, healthy hair follicle health, current hair density and severity of hair loss, the characteristics of the donor area are determined and the general condition of the transplanted area is examined. Then, the most suitable hair transplantation is designed and the procedure is started with local anesthetic applications. Hair follicles taken from the neck of the person are generally preferred for the DHI hair transplant procedure.
With the micromotor, one of the most technologically advanced devices, healthy hair follicles taken from the nape are carefully taken. The extracted hair follicles are then placed in a special solution and vitality is given to each hair follicle. After the hairline is taken from the donor area, the area is anesthetized and the transplantation process is started. It is extremely important to design the right hair according to the body shape for the DHI Hair Transplant Method. In this way, new hair follicles are placed in each direction of hair growth and the natural structure of the hair is preserved. Then, the healthy roots, which are safely plucked with micro-tips, are planted directly on the areas where hair loss is felt. As a hair transplant procedure, the Hair Transplant DHI method, which does not require difficult interventions such as opening channels to the bald area before hair transplantation, reduces the number of sessions required for successful and unobtrusive results. The implantation procedure and recovery time are significantly shortened. The DHI method is considered one of the most reliable hair transplantation methods, as it reduces the risk of infection in the hair transplantation area after the procedure. However, since there is no need for dressing changes and special care after the procedure, patients can quickly return to their normal lives. Thanks to this method, which has many advantages, it is possible to have naturally strong and fluffy hair; Hair loss caused by factors such as genetics or stress can be completely controlled. As DHI Hair Transplant Turkey Liva Clinic, we provide the best service.
Dhi Hair Transplant,
Choi is a hair transplant with a pencil. Although DHI hair transplantation is based on FUE technology, it is considered as a new hair transplantation. The biggest difference from FUE is the opening windows of the channels before hair transplantation in DHI hair transplantation. With the DHI hair transplantation tool, the grafts taken from the donor area in hair transplantation are directly transplanted as recipients. A new generation hair transplantation method. DHI hair transplantation, the use of experience and quality in hair transplantation. With its culture and excellent clinical environment, Livaclinic has a privileged place among those who apply DHI hair transplant technology in Istanbul.
What is Dhi hair transplant technique?
Dhi Hair Transplantation Direct Hair Transplantation is a hair transplantation method in which hair follicles resistant to shedding are taken from the neck one by one and transplanted directly to the hair recipients. Thanks to the new methods developed according to the different aesthetic and technical requirements of hair transplantation, treatment options are increasing. Dhi hair transplant technology is the best example of this innovation and current hair transplant techniques. In addition, technological developments allow hair transplantation and hair transplantation trend for everyone. Hair transplantation can be performed even in people with weak hair strands in the donor area, such as Dhi and Sapphire FUE. Modern hair transplantation techniques make it possible to make the most of the hair reserves in the donor area. These developments play an important role in the impressive naturalness we have achieved in hair transplantation in recent years. Techniques such as the Dhi Choi Pen Technique, developed to realize the dream of more frequent hair transplantation, work wonders in hair transplantation. Successful results of hair transplantation increase the interest in hair transplantation day by day.
Dhi preparation before hair transplantation
Advantages of Dhi Technique
Disadvantages of the Dhi technique